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Halloween - Enjoy and Stay Safe

Good Afternoon, Resident




With Halloween fast approaching, it may interest some to take a moment to check the upcoming link to the Halloween page on our Kent Police website. You'll find some useful advice along with printable posters you can put on your door that shows whether you're happy to have trick or treaters or not.


If you and/or your children do plan to partake in a bit of trick or treating, do be mindful of the properties you're visiting. The residents may not wish to open the door to strangers, they may be unable to, or they may even have Samhain phobia - That's a fear of Halloween! (You can have that for any upcoming quizzes). 


Halloween | Kent Police


Enjoy this time of year. 


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Message Sent By
Steven Shipley
(Kent Police, PC, Swanley Neighbourhood Beat Officer)

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